ASC 718 expense accounting: Welcome to the future

ASC 718 expense accounting: Welcome to the future

Author: Josh Durst-Weisman
Read time:  2 minutes
Published date:  26 February 2021
No more spreadsheets. No more hassle. Complete your ASC718 expense accounting in just a few clicks, with Carta.

Audit ready, in just a few clicks.

When it comes to yearly expense accounting and audit preparation, correctly expensing options and other equity rights can be a complex piece of the puzzle. From tranche vesting to interest rates, forfeitures, and determining the useful economic life of each asset, intangibles like equity rights can be notoriously difficult to attach value to.

Unfortunately, the consequences of getting stock compensation-based expense accounting wrong are dire. In addition to impacting your valuation, failing to properly account for equity compensation can cause a whole range of time-consuming headaches for your team. Here at Carta, this led us to ask a question:

Even if you’re skilled at accounting, why suffer through the time and headache of running these reports manually in Excel?

That’s why we’re proud to introduce our new and improved ASC 718 tool for stock compensation-based expense accounting. On Carta, you can do away with the rat’s nest of Excel spreadsheets, and do all the heavy lifting of report generation and journal entries in just a few clicks.

The tool can be used for multiple business structures and types of equity compensation, including corporate stock options and LLC-based rights such as profits interest units (PIUs), which are the most common form of LLC employee equity.

With a cap table that automatically updates with you around the clock, your options can now be priced directly inside Carta with a streamlined 409A valuation. From there, expenses are allocated and amortized automatically, so you can generate fully GAAP-compliant reports and journal entries in the snap of a finger.

To learn more about how Carta streamlines stock compensation-based expense reporting, click the button below.

Generate your latest stock-based compensation reports
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Josh works in marketing and sales at Carta. Prior to tech, he spent several years in Los Angeles as a TV producer and writer of bad horror movies.
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