NYC CFO Summit: highlight reel

NYC CFO Summit: highlight reel

Author: Jesse Klein
Read time:  1 minute
Published date:  3 July 2017
On June 16th, Carta held a CFO Summit in NYC. The goal is to connect a community of CFOs and to gather insights and distribute advice.

On June 16th, Carta held a CFO Summit in NYC. The goal is to connect a community of CFOs to gather insights and distribute advice. Jack Sinclair of Stack Overflow and Kevin Weinmann of Mohawk Group gave keynote addresses. Watch them here and here.

We also held a panel on secondary markets with input from John Buttrick of USV, former CFO of Digg John Auerbach and Carta’s Head of Capital Markets Stefan Fischer.

Author: Jesse Klein
Jesse was born and raised in the Bay Area. She crossed the country to go to the University of Michigan before heading back to her roots in San Francisco at Carta.