Introducing: Deal Room

Introducing: Deal Room

Author: James Seely
Read time:  1 minute
Published date:  24 August 2017
We're launching Deal Room, a secure and easy way for companies to share disclosures and documents during major financial transactions.

For any major transaction your company runs ( tender offers, funding rounds, acquisitions, etc.), there are disclosures and documents that need to be shared with your investors and legal counsel. During these transactions, it’s important that documents are distributed securely and made easily accessible to the right people.

That’s why we’re launching Deal Room, a secure and easy way for companies to share disclosures and documents during major financial transactions.

Introducing: Deal Room | Carta

Start by setting up your deal room and selecting security preferences. You can choose to watermark all documents and make them non-downloadable.

Introducing: Deal Room

You can create folders and upload files individually, or upload a .zip file with all of your documents at once. If you upload a .zip file, the folder structure will be replicated in Carta.

Introducing: Deal Room

Invite investors and legal counsel to view the deal room. If you have more than one deal room, they will only be able to view the ones you’ve invited them to.

Introducing: Deal Room

Use Viewing History to see who’s viewed which documents and when they viewed them.

Introducing: Deal Room

Interested in seeing more? Talk to an expert for a product demo. 

Author: James Seely
James grew up in Seattle before moving to the Bay Area to study at Santa Clara University. He has been a product marketer at Carta for almost three years.