What’s new with Carta fund administration?

What’s new with Carta fund administration?

Author: Vrushali Paunikar
Read time:  3 minutes
Published date:  31 March 2020
This quarter, our product managers and engineers focused on helping your fund administration team do their jobs more efficiently.

At Carta, we’re constantly improving our products and services. Our goal is to help you streamline your back office, in part by enabling your fund administrators in the background. This quarter, our product managers and engineers focused on helping your fund administration team do their jobs more efficiently. We’re working to automate rote tasks so your fund admins can spend more time supporting your strategic goals. 

Here are some of the improvements we made over the last quarter: 

Limited partner experience

What's new with Carta fund administration?

New navigation

The navigation has been updated to help your LPs find their investments faster. LPs will be able to see all their fund and direct company investments displayed in the sidebar.

Fund commitment view

We’ve updated the first page LPs see when they log in. Instead of fund or company logos, they’ll see recent documents and an overview of their fund commitments. This change makes it easier for your LPs to find relevant information and see their funds at a glance. 

Secondary emails

LPs no longer need to add two email addresses. They don’t always have an additional email and are no longer required to provide one.

Capital calls and distributions

What's new with Carta fund administration?

Notice customization

Your fund administrator can now edit the purpose of the capital call and distribution notice with rich formatting, like bold, bullet points, and italics. The formatting will show up in the PDF notices that are sent to investors.

Email customization

Your fund administrator can now edit capital call and distribution emails they send to LPs. Now your fund admin can include things like LP name, amount, and distribution date in the custom field.

Email contacts

Your fund administrator can now specify multiple primary contacts for capital call emails. As before, their names and email addresses will be listed in the emails and notices as the people to contact with any questions. They can also now Cc people on capital call emails—for example to notify partners about the capital call email.

In-kind distributions

Your fund administrator can now perform distributions of cash, stock, or both. 

Financial reporting

What's new with Carta fund administration?

Reporting tool

Your fund administrator can easily generate a financial report in-app. Financial information is automatically synced from Xero, and generating a full year financial report is faster, more accurate, and automated. 

PDF customization

When financial reports are ready, your fund administrator can export the data and generate customized PDFs with select fields based on your needs.

LP portal integration

Our software automatically uploads completed financial reports and documents to the LP portal, so you can access documents faster. LPs can view documents by going to the Partner Documents page in the app.

What’s next?

Here’s what we’re working on next quarter:

Continuing to enable your fund admins

Fund admins spend a lot of time preparing financials, reports, and documents for clients. We’re continuing to streamline these processes on Carta’s back-end so your fund admins can spend more time supporting your strategic goals. 

Creating a better experience for LPs

We want to make sure LPs can find the information they need on our platform. We’re working to ensure LPs have a great onboarding experience, can find important documents quickly, and easily participate in capital calls. 

Improving financial reporting

Financial reporting is a key piece of fund administration. Our team has been focused on automating our reporting technology so our reports are more accurate and consistent. This enables our fund admins to deliver reports quickly and efficiently. 

We’re constantly improving our products and services for our customers. If you have any questions or suggestions about our product, reach out to us.

DISCLOSURE: This communication is being sent on behalf of Carta Investor Services, Inc. (“Carta”), an affiliate of eShares, Inc. dba Carta, Inc.  This communication is not to be construed as legal, financial or tax advice and is for informational purposes only. This communication is not intended as a recommendation, offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security. Carta does not assume any liability for reliance on the information provided herein. 

Vrushali Paunikar
Vrushali Paunikar is the Chief Product Officer at Carta, where she leads the team that is responsible for developing new products and advancing existing solutions. Before becoming CPO, Vrushali worked on building the valuation business and helped that business scale to software margins. She then went on to lead Carta's Venture Capital business, taking that business from zero to over $80M in ARR. Before joining Carta, Vrushali served as a product leader at Applied Predictive Technologies, Dynamic Signal, and Rocket Lawyer. She has a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University.