Carta Deal Closings makes fundraising more efficient

Carta Deal Closings makes fundraising more efficient

Author: The Carta Team
Read time:  2 minutes
Published date:  13 November 2023
With Carta Deal Closings, eligible Carta cap table customers now have access to a workflow tool that automates most of the administrative tasks required to close a financing round.

When a startup closes a priced round of funding, it’s cause for celebration. But the administrative work needed to complete the deal can also make it cause for exhaustion: Fundraising can require hours of manual data entry, spreadsheet updates, and seemingly endless email threads to collect investor signatures and track wire transfers. All that paperwork is time-consuming—and it’s made fundraising far too expensive. 

That’s why we launched Deal Closings. Now, eligible Carta cap table customers have access to a workflow tool that automates most of the administrative tasks required to close a financing round. Deal Closings allows founders to work collaboratively with their lawyers to make closing a round faster, more transparent, and more cost-efficient.  

Deal Closings includes three core features for simplifying fundraising:

  • Streamlined workflow: Collect and manage investor signatures, communicate with stakeholders, and track wires with one simple interface.

  • Transparent tracking: The Deal Closings dashboard tracks the entire closing process, from requesting the first signature to receiving capital. Added transparency means minimal back-and-forth with your investors over text, email, and phone calls.

  • Automatic cap table updates: When you complete a priced round, your startup’s cap table automatically updates to reflect the new investment by leveraging information already stored on Carta.

Deal Closings is already available in beta for some Carta cap table customers, and will soon be available for all companies on Carta. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to a member of our team.

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The Carta Team
While we believe in assigning ownership at Carta, this blog post belongs to all of us.