Capdesk product news – February 2022

Capdesk product news – February 2022

Author: Scarlett Pierce
Read time:  1 minute
Published date:  10 February 2022
Self-service features, phantom share flexibility and a faster reports flow feature in the February instalment of Capdesk product news.

The latest product news from Capdesk – February 2022.

New self-service features

You're now able to create, amend and delete data pre-split on Capdesk. Previously, you'd have to ask Capdesk Support to help with this but you can now complete these tasks yourself.

With this update, you can issue, publish, edit (draft), cancel and transfer transactions and equity awards, pre-split, from your own account.

Video tutorial for pre-split transactions

Video tutorial for pre-split equity awards

Phantom shares update

You can now decide whether phantom shares come from inside a pool, authorised specifically for this plan, or outside of the share pool.

You will now see phantom shares counted as part of the fully diluted view on the company dashboard.

Finally, phantom shares can now be included as part of exit modelling and round modelling reports, just like other types of grant.

Learn more about phantom shares on Capdesk

Bulletin board - February 

  • We've made huge improvements to the reports flow, and reports now take no longer than ten minutes to generate.

  • In draft mode, you can now change the plan for a grant and also change the share class of the plan for grants.

  • We've added a new widget that shows the status of your report, how many reports you've exported and what happens next.


Want to take advantage of any of the features listed here? Simply  submit a request to our Customer Success team today and we’ll talk you through it.

Scarlett Pierce is Carta’s Product Marketing Manager for the UK and Europe. She joined the team in late 2022 when Carta acquired European equity management startup Capdesk. Prior to Capdesk, Scarlett worked as a digital marketer for brands as diverse as the UK Government, Amazon Alexa and Louis Vuitton.