An improved Law Firm Partner Program

An improved Law Firm Partner Program

Author: The Carta Team
Read time:  2 minutes
Published date:  April 15, 2020
We’re excited to announce some important changes to our Law Firm Partner Program.

We’re excited to announce some important changes to our Law Firm Partner Program. 

Carta’s law firm partners are essential to our success. With this new program structure, we are able to better recognize and reward partners that work closely with us to grow their practice, by offering them additional benefits, features, and support. 

What’s new:

  • Introducing partner tiers: moving forward, partners will be assigned tiers based on the total number of active referrals made by the firm every year. 

  • New benefits by tier:the more your firm grows with Carta, the more benefits you unlock. Keep referring clients to get access to higher discounts for clients, premium law firm support, co-marketing opportunities, and more.

An improved Law Firm Partner Program

When will the new tiers and benefits go into effect?

New tiers and benefits are effective immediately for new partners who join the program after April 15th 2020. For existing partners, changes will go into effect on January 1st 2021. Partners will be assigned a tier based on the total number of active referrals made between January 1st and December 31st.

What is an active referral?

An active referral is any company referred by a Carta Law Firm Partner that is new to Carta and purchases a qualifying subscription to Carta. 

How do I check how many active referrals my firm has?

We will send an email at the end of every month with the current count of active referrals your firm has.

What about companies I add to Launch?

Companies added to Launch will count towards your firm’s tier at the time they upgrade to a qualifying subscription plan.

How do I make sure my referrals are being counted towards my firm’s tier?

In order to be eligible, referrals must be made through this form or by emailing

How often will firms change tiers?

Firms can be upgraded to a higher tier at the end of every month. If you qualify for a higher tier, it will be valid from the month after your qualification through the end of the following year. 

Example for the January 1st 2020 – December 31st 2020 calendar year:

  • If your firm makes its 15th active referral in June 2020, you’ll be placed in the Silver tier from July 2020 to December 2021.

  • If your firm makes its 15th active referral in December 2020, you’ll be placed in the Silver tier from January 2021 to December 2021.

 If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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The Carta Team
While we believe in assigning ownership at Carta, this blog post belongs to all of us.